Santa Fe Floor Care

Demystifying Carpet Cleaning Walk-Throughs

Demystifying Carpet Cleaning Walk-Throughs

Before and after carpet cleaning services, our technicians do a walk-through, that is slowly and purposefully walking through your home or business, asking questions, and sometimes stopping to measure and jot down technical notes on a clipboard or mobile device. This article demystifies the walk through process, letting you know what to expect and why.

Why did you contact us?

On the surface, this may seem like a no-brainer. You want to have your carpets cleaned, because, obviously, carpets get dirty. Our technicians have good reasons for asking this question, especially if you are a new client. Maybe your previous carpet cleaning company did not meet your expectations. Maybe your carpet warranty only remains valid if you have your carpets professionally cleaned. Knowing what motivates our clients to schedule services helps us customize our services to best suit your needs. Sometimes technicians may ask this question of existing clients, especially if carpets are cleaned at periodic intervals and it has not been that long since the previous visit. If there are odor problems, your carpet is seeing more traffic than normal, or you have other concerns that bring us to your home or business more frequently, again, we may be able to customize our services to best suit your needs. Knowing why you reached out to us gives us important clues about the condition of your carpet.

What are we looking for?

  • Electric. Home and business owners are usually quick to point out spots, spills, and problem areas. Any information that clients provide is helpful, and we appreciate that. However, there are other things your technician considers during the walk through. For example, sometimes electrical outlets are already being utilized or are not exposed because of furniture. Knowing where to plug in ahead of time helps us protect your belongings.
  • Protection. Speaking of belongings, we also make note of furnishings, cabinets, the flooring adjacent to our work area, window treatments, and other care considerations. We like to know ahead of time what level of protection will be required so that we clean your carpets and leave everything else untouched.
  • Lighting. We pay attention to whether there is adequate lighting and plan accordingly by either bringing additional lighting or showing up during a time when the natural light is best. This is especially important for jobs involving a lot of spot removal.
  • Space. We always use extreme care to avoid damage to walls, doorways, furniture, and other surfaces surrounding our work area. Making note of narrow hallways, aisles, and tight spaces enables us to plan our cleaning route so that our equipment stays well clear of your valuable property. We also measure, because we want to get accurate square footage to make sure you get fair and competitive pricing.
  • Manufacturer’s guidelines. Certain types of carpet have very specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Our technicians are highly trained and skilled at inspecting and identifying carpet types and selecting the most appropriate cleaning solutions and methods for your carpet fiber. If there are any questions about your particular carpet, we may ask you to provide the manufacturer info.

We may ask about your habits.

Our technicians may ask questions about your eating, drinking, and cleaning habits. We promise we are not trying to be nosey! These questions are completely normal and play an important part of our decision making process as we customize your carpet cleaning plan. For example, if you use hair spray near an area with carpet, we may need to pretreat this area in order to completely remove stubborn residues. We may also offer suggestions on how to avoid premature wear and keep your carpet looking fresh and smelling clean between professional cleanings.

We may need to clarify expectations.

During the walk through, we will point out any areas of concern, for example, shedding, buckling, fading, and provide the opportunity for clients to ask questions. There are some problems with carpet that cannot be completely resolved with professional carpet cleaning. The walk through is when both technicians and clients can ask questions and clarify expectations. Our goal is to give an honest evaluation of your carpet and what you can expect us to accomplish, and then provide the highest quality services to achieve the best possible results. Below are details about the most common concerns.
  • Spots and Stains. Most spots from pet accidents or food and drink spills can be removed if they are treated right away. Please refer to our free, downloadable Carpet and Interior Textiles Care Guide for more information. If you are unable to remove a spot, contact us right away so we can tend to it before it becomes a permanent stain. Sometimes clients are busy or don’t notice a spot right away, though. Although professional carpet cleaning can minimize the appearance of permanent stains, permanent stains are called permanent for a reason. For example, if you spill bleach on a dark carpet, it removes the dye in the carpet. Cleaning the carpet will not replace the dye.
  • Traffic Patterns. Over time, traffic patterns develop in carpet, because the fibers of the carpet can become bent or broken when abrasive materials on the bottoms of shoes cut into carpet fibers. Cleaning will help lift the carpet pile and minimize the appearance of traffic patterns, but it will not repair damaged carpet fibers or replace missing carpet fibers.
When we take the time to walk through your home or business, before and after carpet cleaning, we are paying close attention to how we may best serve you and meet your needs and making sure you know exactly what to expect from us.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.