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How Does Sand Get Under Carpet?

How Does Sand Get Under Carpet?

People who replace carpeting or carpet padding are usually surprised to see a thick layer of what looks like playground sand underneath the carpet. A bit of sand is inevitable, but too much of it can cause premature carpet wear. How does this happen? Is there any way to minimize the problem?

Let’s Dig Into This Sand Problem

The layer of loose granular material under your carpeting is not quite the same as sand on a beach, in the desert, or in a playground sand box. All kinds of additional components can be found in the dusty stuff under carpeting, including the following:

  • Airborne dust particles(road dust, pollen, pollution, etc.) can come in through open windows. Carpeting acts like a filter, trapping the particles, which eventually accumulate and settle.
  • Pet and human hair and dander, composed of skin flakes, gets trapped in carpet fibers.
  • Insectsusually do not live in carpeting. They can get trapped in carpeting or die and fall down to the floor.
  • Microscopic organismscan actually live and die on almost any surface, including carpeting.
  • Carpet adhesive, over the course of time and in certain conditions, can become very hard and brittle. Foot traffic breaks up and dislodges little bits of this material.
  • Textile fibersfrom paper products, clothing, draperies, upholstered furniture, and carpet pile can settle in and under carpeting.

Without proper carpet care, all these components settle down to the lowest level in and, eventually, under carpeting.

Are Hard Floors Better?

One might imagine that the sand problem can be resolved by getting rid of carpeting altogether and installing a hard surface, but there are other factors to consider.

If sand remains on a hard surface, it will be unpleasant underfoot, give the floor a dirty appearance, and eventually result in dullness and scratches. If sand remains in carpeting, it will result in premature wear of carpet fibers. People tend to notice sand on a hard surface whereas carpeting disguises the problem. Either way, the sand problem must be addressed.

Hard flooring must be swept and mopped often and periodically professionally cleaned.

Carpeting must be vacuumed often and periodically professionally cleaned. Carpeting, unlike hard flooring, dampens sound, feels soft underfoot, creates a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, and can improve indoor air quality. Dr. Michael Berry, an environment and public health educator, writer, and science advisor, noted in the Journal of Cleaning, Restoration and Inspection that “six different field demonstration studies over the past twenty-five years indicate that a properly designed and scheduled carpet cleaning program that emphasizes extraction” will ultimately improve indoor air quality.

Tips to Avoid and Remove Excess Sand

At home, remove shoes, if possible, before entering. For residences where shoe removal is not preferred and for commercial properties, place high quality mats at entrances. Excess sand and grit will be deposited on the mats instead of your carpeting.

Vacuum upholstery and carpeting often, and if possible, use a rotating brush. The bristles help dislodge embedded particles from textile fibers.

Avoid using DIY carpet cleaning machines. The wrong type or the wrong amount of cleaning solutions can result in residue on carpet fibers that will act like a dirt magnet. Improper cleaning methods can drive sand further down into the carpet pile and backing.

Have your carpets professionally cleaned every six month to a year, adjusting the frequency according to the amount of traffic in and out of your home or business. Professional technicians use powerful and effective cleaning equipment and methods to remove sand from carpeting and achieve the best possible results.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Tips for Products Commonly Used on Carpet

Tips for Products Commonly Used on Carpet

There are many products on the market today that people commonly use on carpet, from deodorizers and powders to stain sprays, protectants, and antistatic treatments. Some of these products may adversely affect carpeting. Here are some tips for avoiding carpet damage or premature wear.

Powdered Carpet Deodorizers

The most common cause of carpet damage and premature wear is dirt and grit. Any kind of abrasive particles, such as those found in the ingredients of powdered carpet deodorizers, act like tiny shards of glass that break and sever carpet fibers. Although the majority of powdered deodorizers are vacuumed up, some of the powder residue will inevitably remain in your carpeting. That’s part of the reason why the scent stays put long after you vacuum. The perfumed grit is activated when it is jostled around by foot traffic, and although it masks the odor problem, it doesn’t resolve the problem at all — and it creates a new problem. So when you sprinkle that pleasant scent, remember that you are, in effect, sprinkling damage and premature wear all over your investment.

How to Deodorize Your Carpet

Carpet odors are caused by contaminants, such as pollen, dander, food crumbs, and the like, that are trapped in your carpet fibers and backing. Thoroughly vacuuming your carpets on a regular basis, even when the carpet does not look dirty, and having your carpets periodically professionally cleaned should help keep odors at bay. You may also consider that the source of odors is something other than the carpet. Try using a HEPA filter in your HVAC system and make sure your home is properly ventilated, leave shoes in a mudroom or outside, keep your pets clean, and investigate any other potential odor sources.

Baking Soda

Nahcolite is a mineral commonly known as baking soda. Sprinkling your carpet with baking soda is essentially the same thing as sprinkling your carpet with minerals or sharp little rock ingredients. The potential abrasive damage is comparable to that of powdered carpet deodorizers. Baking soda is popular for DIY cleaning, and rightly so, because it can be highly effective, but it is not ideal for regular use on carpets.

If you choose to use baking soda on your carpet, we recommend that you only use it mixed with water to spot clean a small area. Once you are finished, you will also need to clean the treated area to remove any residual mineral particles. Apply enough plain water to moisten the treated area (do not saturate), blot dry with paper towels or a white cloth, and repeat this process several times. Once the carpet is completely dry, vacuum the treated area thoroughly.

Pet Odor Treatments

Sometimes, even after thoroughly cleaning a pet accident, odors persist. The uric acid in pet urine binds tightly with absorbent substances like carpet fibers and backing, and in the worst cases, the padding. Foot traffic or any change in humidity can reactivate the odor. The best way to get rid of persistent pet odor is to have your carpet professionally cleaned. Ask your carpet cleaning technician to do a spot treatment in trouble areas. If a pet accident penetrates too deeply into carpet padding, the odor can only be removed if the padding is replaced.

Spot Cleaners

If you choose to use a spot cleaner for your carpet, be sure to select one that is appropriate for your type of carpet by comparing details from the carpet manufacturers information with the spot cleaner product label. Use the appropriate amount, because too little can be ineffective and too much can leave a film that attracts and traps dirt and contaminants. This extra layer of residue can be unsightly and cause premature wear.

Anti-Static Treatments

The ingredients in anti-static treatments on carpet fibers can act like dirt magnets. Use a humidifier instead.

Harsh Chemicals and Abrasive Cleaners

Any product not specifically designed for carpet cleaning and care can cause damage. If you are going to use a chemical or cleaning product not specifically designed for carpet cleaning, be aware that you are taking a risk. White vinegar, mild dish detergent, peroxide, and OxiClean™ may be appropriate in some circumstances, but always test the product in an inconspicuous area first.

Carpet care products can cause carpet damage or premature wear. Follow the tips in this article to help preserve the life of your investment. For more information on carpet care, download our free Carpet and Interior Textiles Care Guide, and we are always just a phone call away.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

How to Get Dye Stains Out of Carpet

Dye stain? No worries. Dyes can be removed from carpet.

Dyes are found in many foods, drinks, and other items, such as magic markers, health and beauty products, cleaning solutions, and decorative items. When dyes end up on your carpet or upholstery, they can be difficult to remove if improper methods are employed. Here are our PRO tips for getting dye stains out.

Blot. Blot. Blot. Then Blot Even More.

Use a white cloth or paper towels to blot as much of the dye as you can. Follow this with putting a few drops of cold water directly onto the dye stain. The water will help dilute remaining dye. Continue with blotting, using a clean section of the cloth or towel each time. Do not rub! Just blot, drip a little water, and blot some more, over and over until no more of the stain is transferring to the cloth or towel.


Don’t forget to test: Of course, your stains don’t always cooperate by appearing in inconspicuous areas, but do keep in mind that it is always recommended that you first test any cleaning solution on a portion of carpet or upholstery that is out of the way, such as a closet or the under side of furniture. Do not use these methods on wool, leather, or silk carpeting or rugs.

The following methods are great for dyes and a host of other tough stains. You will likely need to repeat the process several times to completely remove the dye. Stain removal takes patience and persistence.

The Dish Soap and White Wine Vinegar Solution Method

  1. Pour two cups of warm water into a bowl. Stir in a tablespoon of white vinegar and another tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
  2. Dip a sponge into the bowl and wring out well. Then begin applying the solution directly onto the dye stain. You should see immediate lifting of the stain, but continue blotting until the stain has lifted completely.
  3. Follow with blotting the area with clear water, then blotting dry with a clean white towel or paper towels.

Peroxide and Dish Detergent Solution Method

  1. Pour two cups of warm water into a bowl. Stir in half of a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
  2. Dip a sponge into the bowl and wring out well. Then begin applying the solution directly onto the dye stain. You should see immediate lifting of the stain, but continue blotting until the stain has lifted completely.
  3. Follow with blotting the area with clear water, then blotting dry with a clean white towel or paper towels.

OxiClean™ Carpet & Area Rug Stain Remover

  1. Spray enough of the product to saturate the dye stain.
  2. Allow the product to dwell for 10 minutes.
  3. Blot the area dry with a clean white towel or paper towels.
  4. Follow with blotting the area with clear water, then blotting dry with a clean white towel or paper towels.

Let your carpet and upholstery cleaning PRO help: On your next scheduled cleaning, show your technician the area. Any remaining stain residue can be treated and cleaned.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Aren’t Worth It

Fresh, clean carpets create a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you are a renter who wants to retrieve a deposit, a landlord looking to spruce up a rental property in between tenants, or a home owner who wants to make their home fresh and clean, wall to wall carpeting should be professionally cleaned. Before you make the mistake of renting a carpet cleaning machine to save a few bucks, read on to learn why DIY machines may not be a good choice. DIY machines are heavy, awkward and messy. But more importantly they are not as effective as professional carpet cleaning and using them could result in problems.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Are Heavy

Carpet cleaning machines are heavier than vacuum cleaners. No matter how lightweight a machine may be, carpet cleaning machines all require water, and water is heavy. If you choose to rent a carpet cleaning machine, be prepared for a pretty intense workout.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Are Awkward

Carpet cleaning machines are more difficult to maneuver than vacuum cleaners. If you are cleaning stairs, hallways, closets, and other tight spaces, carpet cleaning machines may be especially awkward to use. If you have knee or back trouble, this could be problematic.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Are Messy

Carpet cleaning machines can be messy. Canisters and attachments get coated with soiled water residue and detergents, and hair and debris collects in brushes. The machine must be thoroughly cleaned before it is returned.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines May Not Be Effective

Even if you find a machine powerful enough to achieve a deep cleaning comparable to professional carpet cleaning equipment, this is no guarantee that you will be able to achieve the desired results. Professional carpet cleaning technicians are trained in proper cleaning methods and the appropriate kinds and amounts of cleaning solutions for particular types of carpeting and soiling levels. All of these factors matter when it comes to achieving the best possible results.

In some cases, carpets may even look worse after improper cleaning with a rented machine than they did before cleaning. That’s why many landlords require tenants to sign an agreement to NOT use a rented carpet cleaning machine to clean carpets.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines May Leave Carpets Too Wet

Dry time is very important. Mold and mildew problems can happen when there is excessive moisture left behind after carpet cleaning. With machine rental carpet cleaning, if too much moisture remains, the carpet padding can stay wet long after the carpet itself has dried. Professional carpet cleaning removes most of the moisture and requires minimal drying time.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Are Noisy

Vacuum cleaners are notoriously loud. Rented carpet cleaning machines can be twice as loud as vacuums.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Are Time-Consuming

When you factor in the amount of time it takes to select a machine, wait in line, check out, loading and unloading in your vehicle, setup time, cleaning time, cleaning the machine, loading and unloading again, and returning the machine to the vendor, DIY carpet cleaning can take a whole weekend. Since time is money, you may not actually save money in the long run compared to hiring a professional carpet cleaner.

DIY Carpet Cleaning Machines Don’t Come With a Professional Technician

Sometimes spot removal, odor control, and other special considerations will require the knowledge and expertise of a professional carpet cleaning technician. If you choose to rent a carpet cleaning machine, it will be up to you to figure out how to resolve certain problems.

If you want fresh, clean carpets, renting a carpet cleaning machine to save a few bucks is not really worth the trouble. Professional carpet cleaning is affordable, easy, and effective.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Carpet Spot Removal Can Create New Spots

If you own carpeting, you are probably familiar with the idea that spots should be removed right away before they turn into permanent stains. Sometimes spot removal, especially if you are removing several spots at once, gives carpeting an inconsistent appearance. Here are the details about what causes this problem and what you can do about it in the future.

Too Clean

With successful spot removal, the soiling substance is removed, leaving the treated area clean and fresh. The problem is that if the surrounding carpet looks dull and dingy, you’ve simply exchanged one kind of spot for another, a dirty spot for a clean spot. Obviously, a clean spot is not a stain. Nevertheless, due to the noticeable difference between the clean area and the rest of the carpet, it might as well be. The solution is to have your carpet professionally cleaned. Dust, dirt, and contaminants that stubbornly cling to carpet fibers can be extracted with professional carpet cleaning, leaving the entire carpet clean and fresh. Note that you will also need to increase the frequency of vacuuming, because it is not always easy to see how dirty carpet really is.

Spot Remover

When inappropriate DIY cleaning methods or improper cleaning solutions are used for spot removal, carpet fibers may become discolored or bleached, causing an inconsistent appearance. With discoloration, professional cleaning may resolve the problem. However, don’t delay in scheduling services, because the substances causing discoloration can set into the carpet fibers permanently. With bleaching, professional cleaning will not likely help. The reason for this is that bleaching removes color from the carpet, and there is no way that professional cleaning will put the color back.

Aggressive Methods

Scrubbing spots too aggressively or using abrasive cleaners, scouring pads, or stiff brushes for spot removal can result in damage to carpet fibers. When carpet fibers are bent, frayed, or missing in the treated area, but the carpet fibers in the surrounding area are still in tact, there can be noticeable variation in the appearance of the carpet. Professional carpet cleaning will not resolve this problem, but it may help disguise the problem by lifting and freshening the carpet fibers in the damaged area.

Protective Treatments

If spot removal is frequently necessary, and your carpet is more than two or three years old, you may also consider having us apply a protective treatment. New carpets are usually treated with stain and soil resistors, but these wear off with time and use. Consider having a us re-apply the treatment after professional cleaning, because it can help make spots easier to remove and less likely to turn into stains.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about spot removal or to schedule services after a spot removal mishap.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

The Problem With Carpet That Hides Dirt

Carpet in living rooms, hallways, steps, and other high traffic areas can soil quickly. Some colors and styles of carpeting look clean longer than others. Chances are you have heard the well-intended but ill-advised suggestion to choose carpeting that hides dirt so there will be less vacuuming required and you will not feel the need to get it professionally cleaned as often. Why is this bad advice? Here are the details.

Carpets That Hide Dirt

Two factors to consider when it comes to how long a carpet looks clean are color and texture. Keep in mind that we are not talking about the actual cleanliness of the carpet but only how clean it appears to be. Carpeting with speckled patterns, crazy designs, or dark colored carpeting will hide dirt more than solid or light colored carpet. Certain textures with loosely distributed fibers, such as a low shag or Berber, will allow dirt to fall down below the surface, whereas other textures with densely distributed stiff fiber bundles, like cut pile carpet, will keep dirt on the surface longer.

The Cost of Less Vacuuming and Fewer Professional Cleanings

One might imagine that having carpets that stay looking clean longer would be a good thing, but hiding the dirt means you are also hiding the devastating long-term effects of dirt.

Think of dirt as tiny shards of glass. The sharp edges slice along the carpet fibers every time someone takes a step. Over time, the carpet fibers weaken and break. If you allow premature wear to be the norm, you can count on spending more money, because any money you save with fewer professional cleanings will seem insignificant once you are forced to replace your carpet a lot sooner than expected.

If you want to get the most mileage out of your investment, treat carpet that hides dirt like carpet that doesn’t hide dirt.

Carpet Care Tips

The best way to keep carpets looking clean is to actually keep carpets clean. If you keep your carpet looking clean by hiding the dirt, even professional cleaning won’t be enough to resolve the problem once premature wear becomes apparent. Whether your carpet hides or advertises dirt, it can look clean with proper care.

Vacuum regularly, especially high traffic areas. Vacuuming slowly and evenly to remove the most ground in soil. Place high quality, heavy-duty mats at entrances to reduce the amount of grit and grime tracked in from outside. Have your carpet periodically professionally cleaned, whether it looks dirty or not. Professional cleaning loosens, dislodges, and extracts dirt particles and contaminants that a vacuum can’t remove.

Our Carpet Selection Suggestion

Do not choose your carpet based on how well it hides dirt. It may seem counterproductive, but carpet that does not hide dirt may actually be a better choice. Like the adage, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil,” the dirty-looking carpet gets proper care. Go for the solid or light-colored carpet if that is what you really want. Regardless of your carpet selection, proper care is what really matters.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

How Many Dust Mites Are In Your Home?

One common cause of poor indoor air quality is allergens produced by dust mites. Indoor air pollution can cause annoying allergy symptoms, or worse, for people with asthma. Read on to learn more about dust mites, the symptoms dust mite allergens cause, and how to reduce the number of dust mites in your home.

About Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic pests attracted to human dander, a substance found on carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces throughout homes, but especially on mattresses, where humans sleep seven or more hours on average every night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates 100,000 dust mites can be found in just one square yard of carpet and a mattress that gets typical use may contain 100,000 to 10 million of them.

Symptoms Caused by Dust Mite Allergens

Allergy symptoms triggered by airborne dust mite fecal pellets range from sneezing and runny or congested nasal passages to cough, darkness under the eyes, and other symptoms. For people with asthma, symptoms are more severe, including wheezing and difficulty breathing.

How to Reduce the Number of Dust Mites

The only way to completely rid your home of dust mites is to move out. In other words, dust mites are very likely to be present in an inhabited home, but there are steps you can take to reduce their numbers. Let’s begin with bedding, the place these tiny, bug-like creatures prefer most.

Bedding Suggestions

Avoid down pillows and wool blankets, opting for cotton or synthetic materials, instead. Wash your bed linens once per week. Use mite-resistant covers on pillows and mattresses. If you have kids who love to sleep with stuffed animals, purchase washable toys.

Dehumidify Your Home

Dust mites thrive in humid environments. Make sure humid areas such as bathrooms and kitchens are properly ventilated. If necessary, run a dehumidifier to control indoor moisture.

Vacuuming May Not Be Enough

Vacuuming your mattress, carpeting, upholstery, and other textiles has traditionally been the go-to method for removing dust mites and the dander that serves as a food supply for them, however, a study by Woolcock Institute of Medical Research concluded that vacuuming in an inconsistent or incomplete manner will only serve to redistribute dust mites.

Suggestions for improving results of vacuuming include using a vacuum with:

  • rotating brushes in the head
  • proper suction
  • fully functional seals and gaskets
  • HEPA (high efficiency particulate air filter) filtration
  • By all means, vacuum often and vacuum thoroughly, but be aware that vacuuming may not be enough.

We Provide Deep Cleaning Services

Professional carpet and textile cleaning equipment and solutions can remove more dander and dust mites than vacuuming alone. Our highly trained and skilled technicians are very methodical and thorough, deep-cleaning from the folds and crevices in mattresses and upholstery to the corners and baseboards of carpeting for a fresh, clean, healthy living environment. Let us help you give bugs the boot.

This article is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Surface Care PRO Partners.

Carpet Cleaning

Fresh, Clean Carpets

The cleanliness of your carpet or other flooring makes an impact on the health and overall appearance of your property. We also understand that your carpeting is a significant investment. That’s why Santa Fe Floor Care is delighted to offer high-quality residential and commercial carpet cleaning services with your satisfaction guaranteed. Our solutions are designed to help you maintain a quality first impression and protect your health and investment over the long haul.

Whether you only need a few bedrooms cleaned or are seeking services for an entire office complex, Santa Fe Floor Care is up to the job. Our detail-oriented, highly skilled technicians stand ready to fully eliminate contaminants, stains and odors from your carpeting in a timely and effective manner.

Convenient Carpet Cleanings

As a valuable client, we respect you, your time and your property and we are committed to clear, efficient communication in order to fully satisfy or exceed your expectations. For your convenience, we offer flexible scheduling, free phone estimates, and a quick response to your call.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services

Your carpeting says a lot about the way you run your business. The cleaner your carpets look, the more appealing your place of business is likely to be. A clean, well-maintained office or storefront can entice clients and encourage productivity and job satisfaction in your employees. Conversely, dirty, dingy floors have a negative, off-putting impact on employees and customers alike. We want to help you make the best impression the first time and all the time by providing the most thorough deep cleaning of your carpets you have ever experienced. Our team of professionals goes the extra mile to get your floors looking their best. We offer comprehensive commercial carpet cleaning services to businesses of all sizes.


As a general rule, your carpets should be professionally cleaned about every six months to a year. For extremely heavy traffic areas, cleaning may be required more often. Proper professional cleaning will not leave a sticky residue behind and can be done as many times per year as needed without damaging or reducing the lifespan of your carpet. Our professional technicians are thoroughly educated and trained in safely and effectively removing dust, dirt, allergens, and other pollutants from your carpet. Our cleaning process extracts debris and grime trapped deep within carpet fibers, leaving the texture and appearance beautiful and sanitary.

What You Can Do To Maximize Your Carpet’s Life

When it comes to maintaining your carpet, one of the most critical areas of focus is high traffic areas. If ground in soil is not removed on a regular basis, these traffic areas will begin to wear excessively. Weekly to daily vacuuming (depending on traffic volume) is a must. For the best results vacuum slowly and evenly.

Entry mats which are regularly taken out and shaken can also retard wear by helping to reduce the amount of grit and grime tracked through the rest of the property.

The second area of focus, of course, is spot removal. You must react to ‘danger’ spots immediately. Red wine, red beverages, urine, blood, etc. can cause a permanent stain if not treated immediately. Unless you are familiar with the chemistry involved and understand which detergents work best with the particular spill or spot you are dealing with, use only water to do this spot cleaning. Some detergents which are great on one particular type of spot could actually permanently set another. If spot treating doesn’t work, please reach out to us so we can either advise you further or take care of the spot for you.

Be sure to visit our Carpet and Upholstery Care Tips page for helpful tips for cleaning spills, regular maintenance guidelines, and a free, downloadable Carpet and Interior Textiles Care Guide.

For a FREE estimate on carpet cleaning services throughout the Austin, TX area, contact us online or call (512) 632 1621 today.

Oriental Rug Cleaning

Oriental rugs are known for their unique beauty, and having them properly cleaned is essential for keeping their appearance bright and to save them from premature wear. Because each rug is often one-of-a-kind, it takes the professional discernment that Santa Fe Floor Care has to prescribe the best cleaning method for your rug and to provide the greatest care, with heightened awareness toward hidden challenges that some rugs may present.

The process of cleaning and restoring fine rugs requires a level of expertise and knowledge that takes years to achieve. We have extensive training in Oriental and specialty rug construction and cleaning methods for rugs from all over the world. As a result, we have earned our Master Rug Cleaner certification.

We will pick up and deliver your rug and provide the best care possible. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Fabric and Fiber Protection

Many textiles that you purchase come pretreated with fabric and fiber protection, but abrasion from regular usage and vacuuming eventually wears this protection away. Improper cleaning solutions or cleaning methods may also accelerate this process. To extend the life of your fine surfaces, Santa Fe Floor Care can reapply high-quality, professional-grade fabric and fiber protectors. Your freshly cleaned carpets and upholstery, armed with the highest level of protection available, will be more resistant to soils and stains. Our fabric and fiber protection treatment will not change the look or feel of your carpets and upholstery, but it will make your regular vacuuming and spot cleaning more productive. Contact us today to discuss your fabric and fiber protection needs.